re-discovering love for Star Trek the original series

I am watching through Star Trek: the original series for the first time since I was maybe 8 years old. I am enjoying it far more than I expected, and am repeatedly blown away by the writing and acting. In Season 1, episode 14, an officer on the Enterprise shows disdain for Spock since their Romulan enemies look similar to vulcans. Kirk tersely orders the officer: “Leave your bigotry in your quarters. There is no place for it on the bridge.” That’s a common sentiment in today’s sociopolitical climate, but this was aired 46 years ago. In December 1966, Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive, the women’s rights movement was new and controversial, and the US had just recently passed some civil rights acts, with more still to come.

In another great moment, this Star Trek episode depicts a wedding ceremony in which the officiator acknowledges the varied beliefs of the couple and those present. I don’t remember the exact words, but it basically validated various cultural and religious practices of the different people, without showing a bias toward or against any of them.

And finally, I think that William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley are fantastic actors, especially when it comes to flashing a subtle facial expression to tell a deep story. Their characters are far deeper and more human that I had previously realized, and their camaraderie and professional relationships are developed well.

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